Native Instruments Intros Scarbee Funk Guitarist

Native Instruments has rolled out Scarbee Funk Guitarist, a new Kontakt-based funk guitar software instrument.

Scarbee Funk Guitarist is a Kontakt-based "authentic funk guitar" software instrument.

For use in the Kontakt 4 sampler and in the free Kontakt Player, Scarbee Funk Guitarist provides a wide range of  rhythm guitar lines for funk, soul, hip hop, house, pop and other contemporary styles. Check it out in the video demo below…

At the heart of Scarbee Funk Guitarist is a flexible phrase concept that allows users to combine different guitar grooves and chord types via the MIDI keyboard, allowing for natural harmonic progressions and authentic funk phrasings.

The integrated groove sequencer maintains a constant and natural rhythmic flow, while articulations like up and down strokes, mutes, hammer-ons and slides are triggered automatically by the intelligent script-based engine of the instrument.

Scarbee Funk Guitarist was produced by sampling expert Thomas Scarbee together with studio guitarist Soren Reiff and Kontakt scripting specialist Nils Liberg.

The instrument is based on over 3,000 chords that were recorded in various voicings, multiple velocities and with relevant articulations, resulting in over 130,000 individual chord samples. For the sampling process, a specially modified guitar with was used, equipped with a special pickup configuration that allowed multiple pickup positions to be captured simultaneously.

Advanced customization features in Scarbee Funk Guitarist allow producers to create intricate individual guitar grooves for any musical context. The instrument includes a graphical groove editor, an integrated play-along bass, a versatile chord finder, automatic chord recognition via MIDI and more. Scarbee Funk Guitarist also includes a multi-effects section with a chain of eight effects specifically suited for rhythm guitar, complete with a wide selection of presets that recreate a multitude of funk guitar tones from different musical eras.


Scarbee Funk Guitarist is available for purchase in the NI Online Shop on DVD and as a download for $119. For more information visit And check it out in the following demo video:

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