Event Choice: SteveStock Summer Music Celebration, June 13th, at Sullivan Hall

It comes but twice a year, and woe be to ye who miss SteveStock!

SteveStock returns this Wednesday -- be there!

The lineup of acts is handpicked by tastemaker and top NYC music and film attorney Steven Beer, who keeps the vibes massively positive and the set changes moving fast.

You WILL be entertained, and you just might network yourself up to the next level – Mr. Beer moves with a well-connected crowd, and they come out like clockwork for his semi-annual bash.

The 2012 Summer SteveStock is this Wednesday, June 13th at Sullivan Hall (214 Sullivan Street). Doors open at 7:00 PM, with NO cover charge. The rockin’ lineup includes:

Julia Nunes
Phony PPL
Erin Barra
Jennifer Logue
George Reefah
Nicky Egan

And more…

See you at SteveStock!


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