Posts Tagged ‘Mark Bacino’

A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering: The 5 Key Benefits & Goals of Music Mastering

This is a guest post by Mark Bacino. For even more on mastering, try Justin Colletti’s new full-length course, Mastering Demystified.

If you’re planning to send your music out into the world, whether it is through iTunes or Spotify, Bandcamp or Soundcloud, CD or vinyl, you’ll probably want to imbue Read more...

Great Mixes Come from Great Arrangements: How to Craft a Mix-Friendly Song Arrangement

It an be argued that the making or breaking of a mix is really determined by the quality and strength of your song’s arrangement. Shortcomings in a song’s arrangement or production choices are a burden we all struggle with on a regular basis—whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Whether it’s frequencies from
