Posts Tagged ‘online music collaboration tools’

Sound Startups: Pibox Music – Music Production Management Platform

The blessing of online music production is intertwined with its curse: As music production applications get more robust and complex, collaboration between producers can become increasingly convoluted.

An ambitious startup that’s arrived recently on the scene, Pibox Music, is determined to streamline long-distance music production. Artists, producers and labels not Read more...

Online Collaboration Update: The Role of Pro Tools’ New MediaCentral Platform

The dictionary definition of “collaboration” is “the action of working with someone to produce or create something.” But that’s clear just from looking at the word: “Co” + “labor” is right there, assembled in the finest Latin tradition.

Today, the whole point of music production teamwork is to take the Read more...

Smart Startup: — A Fresh Take on Creative Collaboration

For a medium built from the ground up for collaboration, the Internet hasn’t always come through – especially for musicians and music producers.

Pretty much since computers started plugging into each other, creative Web developers have tried to crack the code that would make new musical creations flourish, and eliminate Read more...
