New Jersey Indie Label Dromedary Records Relaunches
Music lover/friend Al Crisafulli has reopened Great Meadows, NJ-based Dromedary Records. A noted indie label that was responsible for issuing releases by acts such as Mommyheads, cuppa joe, Footstone, Godspeed, and more, Dromedary has returned following a ten-year hiatus.

Dromedary Records is back!
Crisafulli decided to bring Dromedary back after seeing the positive response to the blog he launched last year. The blog features thoughts, opinions and anecdotes, memories of triumphs and failures, peaks and valleys, complete with a cast of illustrious and colorful music-making characters, some of whom are still around and some who have long since passed from his life, music-making and sadly, the world.
“Over the past year, writing the blog and seeing the response it’s gotten, my passion for doing it has been rekindled,” said Crisafulli, “and even though the music industry has taken a hit over the years, there’s still a thriving underground. So after some prodding from our friends, and some real soul-searching, we’re going to get some good old, guitar-based indie rock back out there for people to hear.”
Dromedary intends to start by re-releasing many of the titles it initially released when it was an active label in the 90s. “We’ll make them available digitally, so the people who loved the music then can get their hands on it again.” The label also plans to issue other, previously-unreleased material from its heyday, as well as new music from current indie rock artists.
Dromedary’s initial release will be a digital copy of NJ’s now-defunct power punk luminaries’ Footstone’s 1994 single, “Wobbles From Side To Side,” plus one additional, previously-unreleased track. The recording will be made available for a limited time for free download from the label’s official website:
Dromedary will then follow on February 2, 2010 with a digital-only release of Footstone’s acclaimed, Lippy CD (originally released in 1995). The album will be available in all the leading internet retail stores, including iTunes.
Additionally, on Saturday, February 6th, Maxwell’s in Hoboken will play host to a Dromedary relaunch show which will include a reunion set from Footstone, along with sets from The Dark Brothers and a reunited Friends, Romans, Countrymen.
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