SSL Stereo Bus Compressor Launched for 500 Format
In a day where a great deal of impressive new gear has debuted, there’s the rebirth of a classic to add to the list.
At Musikmesse, Solid State Logic has just made the legendary SSL Stereo Bus Compressor available as a 500 format module. Considered an essential mixdown ingredient of thousands of hit records since it arrived as part of the beloved G Series, the introduction of this compressor in 500 format should attract plenty of interest from producers, engineers, and studios.

Getting the iconic SSL Bus Compressor sound into your studio just got a lot easier, with the new 500 module version.
Key features — in addition to the essential “glue” it provides — include six ratio settings that range from 1.5:1 to 20:1, along with five release settings and an Auto Release function.
The SSL Stereo Bus Compressor is available now for $2299. For more insights, see the details provided by SSL:
Often imitated but never equalled, the centre section compressor from the 1980’s G-Series analogue console is an audio production legend. It is a simple unit with a simple purpose; it makes complete mixes sound bigger, with more power, punch and drive. It brings cohesion and strength to your mix without compromising clarity. To this day it remains a key element of the SSL sound and has been featured on countless classic recordings. The availability of the Stereo Bus Compressor in a module for the 500 format makes this essential audio production tool available to users of the popular API 500 format modular rack platform.
The SSL console sound has been available in 12 different modules for SSL’s own modular X-Rack system for many years. The system enjoys a large and enthusiastic customer base (more than 15,000 modules sold) that reap the benefits of the very high-quality power supply and on board TotalRecall™ offered by SSL’s X-Rack. The release of the Stereo Bus Compressor Module for the 500 Series modular rack platform makes another small slice of the SSL sound available to a wider user base.
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