September 2011 archive

New ADAM A77X Monitors To Make U.S. Debut at AES

New product launches slated for AES NYC next month (Oct. 21-23) are starting to roll out. First up, we’ve heard from ADAM Audio, who will launch their new A77X monitor at the Convention. The A77X features ADAM’s proprietary X-ART tweeter, “woofers and amplifiers that have been completely re-engineered with larger Read more...

Mixing in the Face of Danger: The Veda Rays Release “Gamma Rays Galaxy Rays Veda Rays”

WILLIAMSBURG, BROOKLYN: You don’t have to know all the heartache that went into the making of the album Gamma Rays Galaxy Rays Veda Rays to appreciate it. But there’s something about understanding the bitter joy that pulses through one of 2011’s most intoxicating rock albums that makes it all the Read more...

NYC’s Anthem Facility Starts Up Following Successful Ad Score

As ad agencies and music supervisors continue to trend towards licensing pop songs for high-profile broadcast campaigns, ad music composers are challenged to take even more creative license with their work, to produce really original, outside-the-ad-music-box sounds and record-quality tracks that can compete. So many of these composers are playing/producing Read more...

Amber Music (NYC, LA) Debuts “Free Fridays” on Turntable.FM

The commercial music company Amber Music (NYC, LA) is increasing their tastemaker quotient with the debut of “Free Fridays”on the social music site,

Instead of sharing projects that Amber has worked on, the company uses their Turntable.FM page to provide fans with “tastemaker” updates, posting recommendations of songs that Read more...

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