June 2013 archive

Win a Free Studio Day — SweetSounds Studios in NYC Launches #ivegotsweetsounds Contest

Guaranteed exposure for your music and a chance to record at one of NYC’s best new recording studios – it’s a can’t-lose scenario.

We refer to the #ivegotsweetsounds contest that’s just been launched by SweetSounds, the highly vibey new two-room studio that’s coming on strong in SoHo.

SweetSounds’ expansion to

NYC Event Choice: SteveStock — A Summer Music Celebration, at Pianos, June 18

What’s the true sound of summer? There are many muses on these warm nights, but here in NYC we heed the siren call of SteveStock.

Hosted and curated by the plugged-in entertainment attorney Steven Beer, SteveStock brings a great live music lineup plus powerful networking together under one roof – Read more...

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