December 2013 archive

Positive Grid Releases JamUp Plug HD Guitar and Bass Interface for iOS Devices

The successor to Positive Grid‘s original JamUp Plug now captures audio in high quality 24-bit/48kHz with improved signal-to-noise ratio with the JamUp Plug HD. The super small interface plugs straight into the 30-pin port on iOS devices and comes equipped with a ¼-inch input and a 1/8-inch output for direct Read more...

Vintagetools Debuts Sonic Summarizer & Sonic Summarizer PRO — Analog Vintage Broadcast Summing Amps

The new summing amps from Vintagetools take a vintage approach on design and components with the Sonic Summarizer and Sonic Summarizer PRO. Components and summing design are based off of broadcast console techniques of the 70s and 80s when analog was the only option to achieve sonic clarity, providing sound Read more...

Steinberg Releases Cubase 7.5 and Cubase Artist 7.5 Updates

Steinberg’s flagship DAW, Cubase, has gotten a turbo boost, adding new functionality from workflow enhancements to instrument and effects additions.

A major update in the latest version, now Cubase 7.5, includes new TrackVersions. This new feature is a much more flexible version of traditional playlists that allow for easy auditioning, Read more...

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