High-Speed VocAlign ARA Integration In Studio One

Celemony, PreSonus and Synchro Arts have teamed up to produce an ARA plug-in with Synchro Arts’ VocAlign software.

Celemony’s ARA (Audio Random Access) plug-in extension format allows for extremely fast audio processing, convenience, and ease of use. Use of VocAlign into Studio One has been tightly integrated with a simple shortcut, and highlighting audio regions to be aligned. Additionally, audio sources have drag and drop functionality with VocAlign for instant track alignment.

The goal of VocAlign and Studio One feeling like a single piece of software has been achieved with this new integration.

VocAlign is available now in two versions: VocAlign Project 3 for $149 MSRP, and VocAlign Pro 4 for $399 MSRP. All versions are available in AU, AAX, and VST3 plug-in formats. Cross-grade pricing can be found here.



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