Arturia Announces MicroBrute Analog Synth

Portability tends to rein among today’s trendy society. So it would only make sense for Arturia to go even smaller with their synthesis technology. The explosive popularity of their MiniBrute has now manifested the MicroBrute – a feature packed, monophonic synth at an affordable price point.

What could be better than an Arturia MiniBrute? The adorable MicroBrute of course.

What could be better than an Arturia MiniBrute? The adorable MicroBrute of course.

The Arturia MicroBrute is now shipping for $349 MSRP with an all analog signal path, 25 note mini keyboard, step sequencer, selectable oscillator and LFO waveforms and much more.

Here is more from Arturia:

Looks Tiny, Sounds Massive

MicroBrute is pure analog sonic powerhouse of a synth. Small in size but loaded with features, it follows in the footsteps laid by its big brother the MiniBrute.

Packed with mixable waveforms, a new sub oscillator design, the famous Steiner-Parker multimode filter, super fast envelope, syncable LFO and the new step sequencer, not to mention the patchable mod matrix the MicroBrute is a landmark new synth at an incredible price.


  • Monophonic synthesizer
  • 100% Analog Audio Signal Path
  • Steiner-Parker Multimode Filter (LP, BP, HP)
  • Voltage Controlled Oscillator with new Overtone Sub-Osc
  • Oscillator Mixer (Sub, Sawtooth, Square, Triangle)
  • LFO with 3 waveforms and destination attenuator
  • Brute Factor™ delivering saturation and rich harmonics
  • Ultrasaw generating shimmering sawtooth waveforms
  • Metalizer bringing extreme triangle harmonics
  • Fast Envelope Generator
  • 25 note mini Keyboard
  • External Analog Audio Input (level pot on rear)
  • CV Inputs: Pitch, Filter, Sub-mod, Pulse, Saw animator, metalizer, gate in.
  • CV outputs: Pitch, Gate, Env, LFO
  • MIDI Inwith 5-Pin DIN connector
  • USB MIDI In/Out
  • 1/4” Audio Output and 1/8” Headphone Output
  • Free Editor Software
  • Step Sequencer :
    • 8 sequences stored on power down
    • Rate control
    • Sync to MIDI clock
    • Multiple modes (via software editor)
  • Tap tempo/rest insert

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