Audio Post Update: Complete Systems Upgrade for Sonic Union

It seems like just yesterday that the NYC audio post production boutique Sonic Union launched their spacious facilities in bucolic Union Square Park. But it’s actually been eight years, and with the rapid evolution of audio technology and workflows since 2008, a makeover was in order.

According to longtime Managing Director Adam Barone, the original concept of workflow between rooms, with each of the seven mix suites being technically identical, has remained intact. Mixers can easily work in their own personal setup in any room, with all sessions centrally stored and easily accessed throughout the facility. The result is maximum scheduling efficiency for Sonic Union’s engineers for a wide range of projects including mixing, sound design, radio, voice casting, music searches and an increasing amount of virtual reality (VR) content.

Sonic Union's upgrade includes Blue Sky Audio Management Controllers and panoramic screens.

Sonic Union’s upgrade includes Blue Sky Audio Management Controllers and panoramic screens.

2016’s wholesale update include the addition of Avid’s latest Pro Tools 12 DAW; all plugin upgrades; new Mac Pros; and new central and local storage for all of the rooms.

In addition to the Pro Tools upgrade (dubbed a “heart transplant” by the facility) Sonic Union has also upgraded their Blue Sky monitoring systems, with new Audio Management Controllers (AMC) featuring enhanced room correction equalization. With this added capability, the facility was able to revisit its acoustic analysis for a thorough tuning of all the rooms, ensuring proper translation in the viewing environments.

Notably, Sonic Union partners Michael Marinelli and Steve Rosen saw that their streamlined system and pre-existing wiring – plus an “all-hands-on-deck” commitment from the entire staff — allowed for the full conversion of the seven rooms in a little over one weekend.



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