Author Archive

Mission Sound Welcomes Dead Leaf Echo and a Cult Music Production Hero from the U.K.

WILLIAMSBURG, BROOKLYN: In the past few months, Mission Sound has hosted current buzz-generators Matt and Kim, Arctic Monkeys and Animal Collective, as well as perennial punk-rock veterans Bad Religion. This month, Oliver Straus’ Williamsburg studio welcomes Brooklyn shoegazers Dead Leaf Echo and UK-born producer John Fryer. We stopped by Read more...

Daptone, Home Grown: Gabe Roth’s Cottage Industry of Soul

Much of America is familiar with Gabe Roth’s authentic heavy-soul sensibilities from his Grammy-winning work behind the glass with Amy Winehouse. Despite this blockbuster success and continued work with major label artists, it’s the homegrown label Daptone Records that may prove to be his most enduring legacy.

Since co-founding Daptone

John Agnello: Dinosaur Jr. & Sonic Youth Producer On New Indie Rock Sounds, Classic Techniques

JERSEY CITY: In 1979, a Brooklyn teenager and avid record collector named John Agnello landed an internship at one of Manhattan’s most prominent music studios. Thanks to some hard work and genuine affability it wasn’t long before he found himself assisting on major releases from contemporary heavyweights like Aerosmith, Cyndi Read more...

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