Behind The Release

The Unforgettable Tribute: MLK, U2, and the Making of “Pride (In the Name of Love)”

MLK, among so many other things, was music.

The rhythm and melody that permeated Martin Luther King, Jr. was evident not only in the way that he moved and spoke, but in the way that he inspired musicality in others. One of the greatest orators of our time—or any other—King’s Read more...

Behind The Release: The Magnetic Fields’ Love at the Bottom of the Sea

On March 6th, The Magnetic Fields are slated to release Love at the Bottom of the Sea. It will be a return to form for the band and for their primary member, the absurdist songwriter and Morrissey-sound-alike Stephin Merritt.

After releasing 1999’s critically acclaimed 69 Love Songs, Merritt decided to Read more...

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