First Look

NEW PLUGIN: Multiband Clipping with Kraftur from Soundtheory

Are you familiar with Soundtheory?

Their critically acclaimed Gullfoss plugin is considered by many engineers to be a “must have” for EQing the mix bus—especially when it comes to smoothing out jagged tones.

They are at it again now, with another groundbreaking first-in-class plugin: KRAFTUR.

Soundtheory’s new KRAFTUR plugin

Toybox Buzz Zone: Simple, Inexpensive, Touch & Drag Synth Leads [PLUS: a FREE low end synth…]

A little while back, our friends at Toybox audio came out with a totally FREE plugin called Thump One.

This little mono synthesizer and sampler can get some CRAZY big low end sounds.

Now, they’re at it again, and this week, they’ve just released the new Buzz Zone plugin Read more...

Best Ways of Using Two Reverbs at Once? (…A Look at the LX-480 Dual Engine Reverb from Relab)

Looking to add some extra depth and dimension to your sounds? Charles Hoffman takes the Relab LX-680 Dual Engine Reverb for a spin to see how it works and how to make the most of its twin engines.

Big thanks to Relab for helping make this one possible. Learn more Read more...


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