Music Business

Building A Tower of Baeble

In late November, we hooked up with audio engineer Paul Vazquez backstage at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. As Papercuts sound-checked, we had a look at Vazquez’s single-tower live recording station he’d setup at stage right to record Scottish indie-pop band Camera Obscura, the night’s headliners. This live recording would Read more...

Indie Record Stores Develop ThinkIndie, An Online Retail Collective

ThinkIndie, the “BastardlyBrainChild of a bunch of IndieRecordJoints,” is a new online music store featuring select  digital downloads and physical product, as well as exclusive content, from a collective of independent record stores around the country. Founded by record store owner-members of the Coalition of Independent Music Stores (CIMS), ThinkIndie Read more...

Key to Keys: Kerry “Krucial” Brothers, Executive Producer

Kerry “Krucial” Brothers is Alicia Keys’ right-hand man — her longtime production and business partner in KrucialKeys Enterprises and The Oven Studios, and one of the Executive Producers on The Element on Freedom. As with As I Am, Brothers and Chief Engineer Ann Mincieli form the start-to-finish production nucleus that Read more...

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