
Lesser Known Tricks with Soothe, Bloom and Spiff [w/ Oeksound’s Hannes Andersson]

Today, we are kicking off a free workshop with Hannes Andersson of Oeksound as our first official entry as part of MixCon 2024!

Oeksound’s Soothe 2, Bloom and Spiff are a set of truly powerful processors. But most users only scratch the surface of what they can do.

Hannes will 

Clipping Vs. Limiting: A Comprehensive Guide [How, When and Why to Use Each]

To clip or to limit? That is the question today.

Where, why and how would you use a clipper rather than a limiter, and vice versa?

Can limiters sometimes sound cleaner than clippers? Yes.

Can clippers sometimes sound even cleaner than limiters? Surprisingly, also yes!

But part of this depends

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