Tips & Tutorials

Flat Headphones don’t exist, and never will [The Harman Curve, Exposed]

You’ll never find a pair of “flat” headphones.

…And you’ll never successfully “flatten” the frequency response of your headphones.

Here’s a dirty little secret: Headphone EQ correction isn’t even designed to make your headphones “flatter”.

So what does that mean for practical purpises? Can EQ help improve your headphones? Or Read more...

Modulation Effects Masterclass w. Mitch Thomas of Soundtoys (Chorus, Flanger, Filter Sweeps & more)

Modulation effects like chorus, phasers, flangers, tremolo, vibrato, filter sweeps and auto-panning offer dramatic, surprising, and even psychedelic ways of reshaping your sounds.

And today, I have a true master of crazy effects on the channel for a masterclass in modulation!

That master? None other than one of my

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