Celemony Releases Melodyne 4

Germany-based audio software developer Celemony is officially on their fourth release of Melodyne.

Melodyne 4 studio introduces new technology with the most extensive update Celemony has produced throughout the company’s history. Highlighted updated include the Polyphonic Spectrum Shaper, Sound Editor with new sound design possibilities, DNA Direct Note Access, unlimited number of tracks, and ‘ultra-accurate’ tempo detection. Editor, Assistant, and Essential versions have also been enhanced, only with smaller function sets.

Melodyne 4 introduces the biggest update from Celemony yet.

DNA in Melodyne 4 – Part of the biggest update from Celemony yet.

Melodyne 4 studio is available now for $849 MSRP, while updating from an older version of studio will run $149. All versions are available in VST, AU, AAX, RTAS, ARA, and Rewire.

Read on for full details from Celemony:


Polyphonic Spectrum Shaper: The Sound Editor: access to the overtones
With the Sound Editor, the new Melodyne 4 studio offers a totally new approach to sound design, its possibilities ranging from the subtlest of optimizations and enhancement of the tone color to drastic, hitherto unknown, manipulation of the sound. The user has direct access to the overtones of the audio material, making individual harmonics louder or quieter, reshaping the spectrum with macro parameters and envelopes, or transferring the sound characteristics of one track to another. This makes it possible to create totally new sounds and turns Melodyne into a kind of audio-track-based synthesizer.

DNA Direct Note Access: now on an as many tracks as you like
Melodyne 4 studio finally makes Celemony’s patented DNA Direct Note Access technology available in a multi-track context. And thanks to Multitrack Note Editing, it is even possible to display simultaneously in the Note Editor any selection of tracks you like and edit the notes with the same freedom as if they were all on the same track. This is convenient and efficient and makes an entirely new production workflow possible.


Tempo detection: record first, add the click later
Melodyne 4 detects tempos and tempo fluctuations in freely recorded music with utter reliability. So the subsequent click follows the musicians, not the other way around. A blessing for musicians and technicians alike, because the music – despite the living tempo at which it was recorded – can still be cut and edited without any difficulty.

The Tempo Editor also allows the “breathing” tempo of one live recording to be carried over to another, for it to infuse life into sterile samples, for runaway tempos to be reined in, or for the entire tempo map to be reshaped at will. Melodyne 4 makes handling tempo in a musical manner finally a simple matter.

Melodyne 4 also offers improved algorithms, “dynamic just intonation”, a clear and intuitive new interface and many improvements of detail.


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