Delicious Audio Review: Way Huge Aqua Puss Analog Delay

Our friends at Delicious Audio recently reviewed the Way Huge Aqua-Puss mkII …read a bit below, and visit Delicious Audio for the complete review!

The Aqua-Puss!

Today’s focus is on the Way Huge Electronics Aqua-Puss mkII Analog Delay which is a reissue of the original Aqua-Puss. The original is very rare and has been known to command quite the premium on eBay and in used guitar shops.

Way Huge Electronics is a company that was resurrected in the last few years and is now distributed by Dunlop Manufacturing with Jeorge Tripps still at the helm. The company has a full line of pedals and the original and vintage looking quirky lettering and colorful cases are still intact.

The first thing I noticed was an interestingly illustrated box. Many black and white cartoons of aliens and strange creatures greet you as you get to the goods – definitely an exciting, unexpected start. As I took out the contents I also noticed lots of Way Huge swag including buttons and stickers.

Things that I look for in an analog delay pedal: warm, slightly dark repeats with the ability to be fed back into oblivion when the feedback knob is jacked up all the way. Do you get this with the Aqua-Puss mkII? Yes. Is that all? No. With this delay it’s all about its unique character. I absolutely love the way this pedal sounds when feedback is used in abundance. In between phrases the delay will feedback like crazy but when you play again it calms down. It reminds me of amp feedback. It’s really unique and rad.

Click thru to Delicious Audio for the rest of this review, by Gus Green!


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