Fountains of Wayne, Lucy Woodward, The Brats At Stratosphere

Loads of great music being made at Stratosphere Studios this Fall. Fountains of Wayne tracked their fifth record in Studio A with Stratosphere’s chief engineer, Geoff Sanoff. The band’s currently adding finishing touches in Studio B.

Singer Lucy Woodward‘s been at Stratosphere with producer Tony Visconti and engineer Mario McNulty, tracking and mixing a new record for Verve. And actor-comedian Dan Fogler recorded an album with his band 2nd Rate; Arjun Agerwala engineered and mixed the record in Studios A and B.

Shudder to Think drummer Kevin March has been producing an interesting project called Blame The Patient, a band of high school students who recorded a 10-song record over a weekend at Stratosphere with Sanoff engineering.

“I put together [this group of 15-18 year olds] to mentor, produce, and most of all educate them about music and the [music] business,” March explained. “It stared out as an experiment to see what would happen if I gave them real experiences writing, recording, and performing as an education. Well, after almost two years they became a real band and wrote some great songs. The album will most likely be released in early 2010, and was privately funded through Club Rock LLC.”

Seminal NYC rock band The Brats, started by New York Dolls’ Rick Rivets, recorded five tracks in a two-day session in Studio A last month with producer (and Fountains of Wayne drummer) Brian Young, and Sanoff at the controls. According to Young, the band hopes this to be the first batch of songs for a new full-length LP.

Argentinean musician and composer Maximiliano Gerscovich also recorded tracks in Studio A with engineer Rudyard Lee Cullers and British artist Lester Woodward and his band came to New York to record their debut album at Stratosphere with Sanoff engineering.

Creative studio Exopolis has been booking Stratosphere for various recording projects for their clients, including — most recently — a series of Rhapsody commercials, for which Sanoff produced voice-over sessions.


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