Free Saturday! Our Favorite Freeware Plugins for Your Weekend

For those of you scavenging the world wide web to find all of the best free plug-ins out there, we present Free Fridays Number Three (presented to you on Saturday — just to keep you guessing!)!  This month’s batch offers a host of audio manipulation tools that will surely shake off the festive cobwebs from your creative slump.

xoxos – Pink VST Guitar Amp Sim

We’ll start it off by showing our support for National Breast Cancer month with the ‘Pink VST’ guitar amp simulator for Windows from xoxos. The Pink VST offers two stages of drive performed at four times oversampling.

Show your support for NBCM by rocking out with Pink!

“Pink VST is a free amp simulation effect for guitars, featuring 10 shaping options and an optional second gain stage. The zip includes mono and stereo versions.”


D Plugins – VINYL 1950 

The VINYL 1950 from D Plugins is a vinyl sound generator that includes all of the pop and sizzle you love about that vintage sound – in VST format!


“Give your track the best feeling of vinyl sound with “vinyl1950” VST plugin. vinyl 1950 create by sampling a real vinyl player with real pop noise filter. design on vintage stile for best feeling with extra noise switch and pre master knob for mix.”


Futucraft – Kairatune Monophonic Synth

Have you been looking for a free VSTi for Windows that is just HUGE? Well feast your ears on the Kairatuneby Futucraft.  Free sound demo can be heard on their product page.

So much versatility!

“Kairatune is designed to produce crisp and tight electric sounds for electronic music production. Kairatune is engineered for the demanding producer who needs to push the sound to extremes without compromising audio quality.

Kairatune offers fast and intuitive sound design workflow. The user interface is designed for a musician rather than an engineer and is based on the concept of pitch and beat in contrast to frequency and time. Kairatune lets you travel in the world of beats, notes and intervals instead of the logarithmic mathematics of frequencies and the rarely useful absolute time.

Kairatune is not your all-in-one synthesizer. It’s designed and engineered to be as powerful and versatile as possible in it’s target role as your source for tight bass, unique lead and shiny SFX sounds. At the same time it makes all the effort to be simple enough to use, enabling you to add your personal touch and flavor to the sound and seek for the perfect fit to your mixing preferences.”



Pianovintage – MYSTERION Virtual Analogue Synth

Now from across the Atlantic, we have MYSTERION from Pianovintage.  This VST instrument for Windows is one of the first of its kind – A VST that can operate standalone while being controlled by your keyboard!

“Pianovintage is proud to introduce is brand new virtual analogue synth : MYSTERION

MYSTERION features two oscillators, filter & lfo settings , delay fx and more.

This synth has been designed to be easy to use, 16 originals presets are included !!!”


Variety Of Sound – Baxter EQ

Lastly, we have the Baxter EQ by Variety Of Sound– another VST for Windows that is just too good to be freeware…but it is!

Mmmm, Butterworth Filters!

“Finest tonal sweetening and finishing which always stays true to the source

  • natural and accurate bass response
  • authentic analog style HF curve rendering
  • smoothest shelving operation

Perfectly suited for the mastering chain

  • stepped controls throughout for repeatability and matched channel operation
  • full dual channel layout
  • full mid-side encoding support
  • per channel level control for easy A/B match

Artifact free technical design

  • low ripple and distortion filter implementations
  • 64bit floating point internal processing
  • oversampled for superior impulse response

Meticulously selected frequencies

  • Baxandall shelving filters
  • 2-pole Butterworth Filters

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