ManhatPro Issues Open Letter: “A Case for Making Music for Film in NYC”

With the TriBeCa Film Festival approaching this month, the Manhattan Producers Alliance (ManhatPro) – an NYC-based media education, professional mentoring and networking community for music professionals – recently issued an open letter to the global film industry.

ManhatPro is reminding the world about NYC's film music potential.

The message, entitled “A Case for Making Music for Film In NYC,” reads as follows:

“The NYC music scene is the most diverse and creative artistic environment in the world. From world class orchestral and broadway players to brilliant composers, arrangers and orchestrators, from Raga and Timba to jazz, hip hop and all flavors of indie, rock and pop musicians in between, NYC has the best talent in the world.  We have excellent recording studios, top notch engineers, producers and film editors, superior post production facilities, and excellent dub stages.  All of this is right around the corner, all in the five boroughs.  Combine the talent and facilities with an improved tax incentive and it is clear that NYC has been transformed into the most creative and cost-effective place to record high quality, innovative music for film.

We intend to carry this message forward to filmmakers worldwide, and will kick off our efforts at the TriBeCa Film Festival in late April.  We are planning one or more events (potentially mixers, studio tours, seminars and/or panel discussions) to promote Music in NYC during the festival.  As a NYC-based working professional, we want your support in these activities, and would welcome your participation in these events if you have the time and interest.

There are 20 days to the TriBeCa Film Festival. Contact us as soon as you can at or our website at


The Members of the Manhattan Producers Alliance and the film music community of New York


Twitter: @FilmMusicNY
Facebook: Film MusicNY
Phone: 212-465-8540”

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