Mix Tips From Your Mastering Engineer

We keep churning out great new stories on SonicScoop every day. But If you haven’t seen many articles from me personally on SonicScoop lately, there are a three very good (and very exciting) reasons for that:

1. I’ve been working to help develop new writers for the site.

The more we can open up SonicScoop to become a curated feed of some of the greatest voices from across the recording and audio industry, the happier we are. Want to contribute? Get in touch anytime!

2. I’ve been secretly developing some of our best new video content yet.

Check back on the video page starting in just a few weeks for some of the best, most informative, and highest-production-value video content we’ve ever done, coming at you each week. We’re very excited about this. I think you will be too.

Joe Lambert Mastering, home away from home for SonicScoop's Managing Editor, Justin Colletti.

Joe Lambert Mastering, home away from home for SonicScoop managing editor, Justin Colletti.

3. I’ve been writing a new column at my other business, Joe Lambert Mastering.

If you’ve missed my writing, don’t worry. There’s still plenty more of it coming, both here on SonicScoop and elsewhere.


For now, check out my latest 6-part series, “Mix Tips From Your Mastering Engineer” on the Joe Lambert Mastering Blog. This one is truly epic, at almost 15,000 words in total.

It’s been a lot of fun putting this together, and if you like in-depth articles about technique, I think it’s some of the most useful free content I’ve ever written. So check it out!

Part 1: Getting Your Low-End Right 

Part 2: Mindful Treble Boots

Part 3: Masterful Mix Bus Compression Settings 

Part 4: Going Wide: Panning to Leave an Impression

Part 5: Use the “Depth” Dimension

Part 6: Getting Better Balances


Next up on the JLM blog? Coming this month, a series all about releasing and distributing music: Everything you need to know about, from ISRC codes to iTunes and disc-cutting to digital distro.

In the meantime, look for a whole slew of new video content from me (and some very special guests) right here on SonicScoop.

Justin Colletti writes about the art, science and business of music and sound. He is managing editor at SonicScoop, and a mastering engineer at JLM Sound.

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