Music Seen: Sniper Twins’ “Computer Friends”

Artist: Sniper Twins

Song: “Computer Friends

Why I Luv It: I’ve been a fan of two fired-up Texans now living in Manhattan called the Sniper Twins since the day they played me one of their first demos going back five years or more. On that history changing day, Dax Martinez Vargas and Barry Flanagan played me a snippet of a song that’s now called “Computer Friends,” and I’m fairly certain that both of these gifted MC/Producer/Writer/Directors would tell you close to the same thing if you asked them how the song ultimately came about. If my memory serves me right, it went something like this…

Sniper Twins are NYC-based writer/director/musicians

At the same time Dax and Barry played me their demo, I was helping my friend and regular collaborator film and TV director/writer Christian Charles develop the soundtrack for his pitch to potentially land the job directing a new remake / reimagination of Revenge of the Nerds. So I was in a vigorous search for multiple homerun-songs that perfectly embody the life of the quintessential computer nerd.

Enter Dax and Barry…..

Upon first listen, I immediately gravitated to the then unnamed snippet of a song due to its obvious “hit potential,” and based on certain witty lyrical elements of the song and a great instrumental starting point, I urged D&B to focus their writing on computer nerd life and computer technology specifically. D&B liked the idea, and along with a few more encouraging words of musical constructive advice, they were back in the studio and off to the races.



The ultimate hip-hop nerd anthem “Computer Friends” by the Sniper Twins was born. The Revenge of the Nerds remake didn’t materialize for Christian and I or anybody for that matter so far, but “Computer Friends” became a cult internet sensation (well over 700,000 You Tube Views to date) and Sniper Twins scored a sponsorship with technology firm Seagate to fund their video.

“Computer Friends” is totally licensable through Sniper Twins, so don’t worry about the sponsorship. They own their rights 100%. Oh, and they followed it up with another sponsorship deal with Hershey’s for their new song “Chocolate Shoppe” too!! Not bad at all, right? Right! (They wrote and directed both videos themselves, btw.)

Yeah sure, I’m a fan and a creative muse on this one, but I’ve got no financial stake in this, so feel free to take your shots! Regardless, this song kicks major ass, and the video is smart and hilarious.

Dax and Barry (and vocal contributor Rob) are all very creative, cutting edge, smart, and talented artists with a very big upside for future success in this business. Make it your business to get familiar with their business both musically and visually because they’re not straying anywhere too far away from the road to success any time soon. I’d like to be there when they arrive, and now here’s your chance too.

Scene I Can See it In: Since I basically laid it out blatantly in my “Why I luv it” section above, I will keep this part short, sweet, and immediately to the point.

Dax Martinez Vargas and Barry Flanagan: Sniper Twins / Computer Friends

With all due respect to our intellectually gifted buddies throughout the media land, “Computer Friends” by the Sniper Twins is the quintessential stereotypical nerd anthem folks, and you, me, and the rest of the world know there is plenty of good opportunity to license the perfect song for anything related to technology — whether it’s scripted or reality visual media we’re dealing with.


Here’s the short list of where to place this overdue baby immediately:

Technology / Computer related story or recurring segment on a cable news or information channel: Your segment theme song should be “Computer Friends” by The Sniper Twins. Who’s your music supervisor MSNBC, CNN, SKY News, Fox News, CNBC, Fox Business Network, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX??? Well, whoever they are, they’re missing the boat on this one. Sorry. Next.

Feature Film focused on computer / technological geniuses like David Fincher’s The Social Network: Even if the film isn’t comically-based in terms of storyline, don’t tell me there isn’t a funny moment somewhere in this film for this song… and any film related to computers, hand-held devices or digital technology for that matter.

Oh and if you’ve got a film that is focused on computer / technological geniuses in general, and it’s a comedy, then your main title theme song or end credits song should be “Computer Friends” by The Sniper Twins.

So there you have it… “Computer Friends” by The Sniper Twins is a hot untapped nerd commodity, and the only question now is who gets the opportunity to license it in the coolest place first? It’s off to the races jockies and horses. Put your money on the Sniper Twins. It’s a sure thing.

“Computer Friends” by The Sniper Twins Complete Lyrics:

My desktop is the best top
Nothing less bought
Check my desk bra’ 
Killa machine
That’s a G5 clean and white
250 Gigabyte 
Gig of Ram killa man
20 inch screen
Wanna burn a disc 
How bout a DVD 
Check my POP 1-6-6-2-4-6-7
If there’s ever a problem 
I call my Tech man Devon
Yo devon man whatcha doin’ tonight 
come over to my crib
disc permissions aint right
Check out the back of my CPU 
I got more ports than a wine store do
Let’s talk mouse
And lets talk keys
Bluetooth rays
Compute through the breeze
With my desktop Hey
I compute with ease
think your lap top stand a chance bra’
I’m goin’ buy… baby 
a new disk drive…lady
one point five… terabytes 
stack the memory to the sky

[I’m goin’ buy… baby 
a new disk drive…lady 
one point five… terabytes 
stack the memory to the sky
It’s been a while… baby 
on the 30-day trail… lady 
it’s probly time for us to buy 
hit that paypal and comply]

—second verse—
Come on take a ride 
on the super highway
information you cravin’ 
your keyboard’s like a steinway
enter escape 
or print this screen
if your computer freezes up 
hit control alt delete
you can re-boot reload 
restart and re-figure
your motherboard’s crashin 
while my bandwidth gets bigger
i bust through your firewall 
with my fireball 
no network protects kid 
from this Viral
get your norton, your symetec, 
and your MacCafee
got a hail storm of pop-ups 
now you mad at me
when I chat is my protocol 
eep em all in stitches 
with my smiley face emoticon
like a robotron 
i’m a stay multi-taskin’
go to message boards for my class 
what they askin’?
Gotta research 
Rwandan murders and death counts
better re-connect my proxy server 
then let’s bounce

[I’m goin’ buy… baby 
a new disk drive…lady 
one point five… terabytes 
stack the memory to the sky
It’s been a while… baby 
on the 30-day trail… lady 
it’s probly time for us to buy 
hit that paypal and comply]

—Bridge— [
I got double your ram, ask your man 
my home office looks like a space ship..bam! 
your girls got a busted myspace pic…damn! 
your whole PC needs a face lift…man!]

Flippin these digits and switchin these keys
what can Brown do for you?
Send me software for free downloading diamond bundles from his ftp 
Pluggin in plug-ins and VST
Preamp these vocals lay them down on track 3
So I’m covering my tracks from the interpolice
and I’m watching my back making black market beats
with my refurbished dell plug-in USB
mass appealing to the fans going P2P
DMV on the mic and I need more power,
So patch it right in to my workstation tower
Megahertz popping through my Pre-Sonus Amp
Pumping these beats and kicking these jams
Despite my fiber optic cable ethernet
my quadrupple core processor is working up a sweat
something slowing down my system that I can’t even see
my folder’s full of cookies, eating up my memory.

I’m goin’ buy… baby a new disk drive…lady 
one point five… terabytes
stack the memory to the sky
It’s been a while… baby
on the 30-day trail… lady
it’s probly time for us to buy
hit that paypal and comply

I’m goin’ buy… baby
a new disk drive…lady
one point five… terabytes
stack the memory to the sky

Dave Hnatiuk of Autonatic Entertainment is a Music Supervisor / Sound Designer for MTV On-Air Promotions, NYC. Visit him at Autonatic Entertainment, Music Supervision Central or The Song Hunters. To be considered for a “Music Seen,” submit your track or link to Hnatiuk at

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