Music Seen – Synch Licensing Hot Picks * Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP “We No Speak Americano”

Artist: Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP

They speak syncho syncho

Song: “We No Speak Americano”

Why I Luv It: I luv “We No Speak Americano”!!!!  Why?  It’s an obvious multi-cultural/international hit song in the making.  (Important note, I must credit my good friends Jonathan Rodriguez and Anthony Fernandez of Union City, NJ for introducing me to this gem.  Thanks guys!!!)

This song by Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP (check out their cool history here) has only been out since March 2010.  It hit my radar within the last few weeks, and now, am I a happier camper as a result. Did I mention this song simply makes me happy?  As a music supervisor, that’s a good thing, because it makes me want to think of ways to place it in a synch license scenario for TV, film or a commercial.

With “We No Speak Americano”, I appreciate the overall production, its thoughtful sample incorporation, and stellar mixing and mastering.  The bouncy beat, catchy yet hilariously chopped-lead horn melody, and the witty sample (from the 1956 hit “Tu vuò fà l’americano” by Renato Carosone and written by Carosone and Nicola “Nisa” Salerno) make this song an undeniable booty shakin’ hit that will translate easily to a wide demographic from kids to elders alike.

It has such potentially wide appeal because:

  • It has a rare timeless quality.
  • Fantastic modern production = kids will love it.
  • Classic sample incorporation = elders will identify with the nostalgic sound.

Thus, “We No Speak Americano” is a contender for several key placements in media… of which I’ll predict here today.


(BTW I remind you to be sure in any song you ever try to license or get licensed, that ALL of your samples are CLEARED.  Clear your samples, or tell the truth about them not being cleared if you are trying to license a song for a legitimate purpose.)

Scene I Can See it In: “We No Speak Americano” is ideal for placing in a montage scene of any comedy feature film/TV show where a key main character or group of characters are faced with trying to overcome an obstacle tied to a language barrier.

For example, an American kid from Southern California crosses the Mexican border, and is trying to deliver a message to a Mexican girl he’s falling in love with, but he doesn’t know where she lives or her full name for that matter. He’s wandering the streets of Tijuana trying to find her.  He can’t speak Spanish, and none of the locals want to admit they speak English.

The lead horn melody and the way it’s mixed/performed instills a frantic yet light feeling.  This feeling supports the lead character’s desperation to find his love, yet it still keeps things light for a comedic situation. The uptempo/bouncy drum beat keeps an urgent yet party vibe alive at the same time.

“We No Speak Americano” is the perfect soundtrack to support a video montage of comedic yet distraught young “lost” man trying to find the way to his love in a foreign realm, most likely a Latin location due to the vocal sample’s implied origin.

What does this song make YOU see? Let me know.


Dave Hnatiuk of Autonatic Entertainment is a Music Supervisor / Sound Designer for MTV On-Air Promotions, NYC. Visit him at Autonatic Entertainment, Music Supervision Central or The Song Hunters. To be considered for a “Music Seen,” submit your track or link to Hnatiuk at

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