New Gear Alert: ADAM SP-5 Headphones, 2448 Console by API, SSL’s FlexVerb & More

AES 2018 has come and gone, but there’s still plenty of new gear to talk about. And don’t forget to check out our AES 2018 Gear Roundup & Photo Journal!


ADAM Audio enters the professional studio headphone market with the SP-5.

ADAM Audio’s first foray into the realm of studio headphones begins with the SP-5.

Known for their popular studio monitoring technology, ADAM Audio extends their expertise to the studio headphones product category with the SP-5. The SP-5 is a closed-backed, circumaural headphone manufactured to exacting standards, delivering a smoothly balanced sound across a broad frequency spectrum from 8Hz to 38kHz. Its sound characteristics are best described as analytically precise, being developed to satisfy the exacting demands of pro audio monitoring and mixing.

The SP-5 integrates Ultrasone´s S-LOGIC technology, employing transducers spatially arranged to exploit the natural form of the human ear and utilizing the natural acoustics of the wearer’s pinna to channel sound into the ear canal. The result is a superbly natural sound experience with startlingly realistic spatial imaging of a quality typical of a stereo monitoring system installed and calibrated by experts. This system makes mixing on the SP-5 easier than on traditional headphone designs that simply point directly at the ear canal.

The ADAM Audio Studio Pro SP-5 is available now, priced at $499.



API introduces the 2448 recording and mixing console.

API’s new 2448 console offers three different size configurations, along with the new “Final Touch” fader automation system.

API announces the debut of the new 2448 recording and mixing console, presented for the first time at this year’s AES Convention in New York. Bridging the gap between the company’s highly successful 1608 and AXS consoles, the new 2448 responds to the industry’s requirement for a smaller, compact, dual signal path analog recording console.

The 2448 offers 24 fully-featured channels for multitrack recording and 56 channels for mixing, providing audio professionals the advantages of a large format console in a more compact and affordable package. The console is available in 24, 32 and 40 channel frame sizes, and offers a powerful and impressive feature set, including dual inputs on each channel, four stereo returns, and optionally, API’s new cross-platform “Final Touch” fader automation system.

Customers are already taking delivery of the 2448, with eight consoles sold prior to AES.


SSL releases new FlexVerb plugin and SSL Native v6.1.

Along with the release of Native v6.1, SSL debuts their new and exciting reverb plugin, FlexVerb.

Solid State Logic is proud to announce the launch of FlexVerb as part of a new SSL Native v6.1 software release. FlexVerb is a brand new, fully-featured and extremely versatile SSL reverb plugin designed to deliver a professional, mix-ready sound in a quick and intuitive way.


FlexVerb’s versatile split early-late reflection interface allows you to add the natural body and tone of different early room reflections, complemented by the richness of a variety of expansive reverb tail options. FlexVerb features a 6-band EQ, high and low pass filters, 3-band reverb time multipliers, and an input sidechain compressor to help you craft reverb that sits perfectly in your mix. FlexVerb’s algorithmic architecture gives you the depth, character and detail of a professional reverb in a simple, rewarding interface.

v6.1 also includes improvements to the preset management system for all plugins in the SSL Native range, as well as dedicated additional MCU plugin control mapping for Apple’s Logic Pro and Steinberg’s Cubase—along with the addition of over 80 producer presets for the SSL Native plugin range.

FlexVerb is available from the SSL online store now for $279 as a standalone plugin, or via a $14.99/month subscription plan.


Kush Audio announces the Goldplate dynamic reverb.

Kush Audio, in partnership with ReLab, delivers smooth & vibey reverb for days with Goldplate, available October 31st.

Kush & ReLab have joined forces to deliver the Goldplate dynamic plate reverb, available on October 31st. Goldplate marries ReLab’s gorgeous, silky smooth reverberation tails with Kush’s plush harmonic shaping and fat compression curves, resulting in all the basic amenities of a typical reverb, but with an interface that goes far beyond what you expect from traditional reverb controls.

Dial in a warm distortion of the signal pre-reverb and thick, pumping compression post-reverb, and select any mix of two different plate materials. And, unlike most algorithmic plates, this one sounds equally incredible across the full range of its reverb time.

Check out an introductory video to Goldplate here.

Goldplate will be available via subscription to Kush; individual pricing for Goldplate is not yet available.


BAE Audio imprint UK Sound announces the 176 Mono Compressor.

BAE’s UK Sound debuts a faithful and affordable emulation of the classic 1176.

Built by the same audiophiles who design BAE Audio’s hand-wired studio equipment, the UK Sound 176 compressor emulates intuitive features of the original 1176, as well as the renowned brightness, presence, and energy the compressor imparts on the sound—even at its most transparent settings.

The UK Sound 176 features a single input control knob—effectively acting as a threshold control that depends on the ratio selected—as well as an output gain control, which, like the original 1176, gives you access to more gain than standard compressors while ensuring low output distortion. The 176 compressor features selectable, time-honored ratio options of 4:1 and 8:1 for compression, and 12:1 and 20:1 for limiting, as well as variable attack and release controls.

With the “!” toggle switch, the UK Sound 176 also features the classic 1176 “All Buttons In” feature, which delivers increased distortion, plus a plateaued slope and lag time in response to initial transients. And, in addition to the classic 1176 features, the 176 includes a bypass toggle switch, as well as a sidechain filter switch to let low frequencies pass through without engaging the compressor.

For additional information and pricing, visit


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