NY Event Choice: NY Music Tech Meetup – Monday, 2/11, Knitting Factory

NYC and music technology go together like beer and BBQ. So why not put all four together in a tasty blend?

Decode the logo and win a prize! Or better yet, hang out with the NY MusicTech gang this Monday.

That’s exactly what the organizers of the regular NY MusicTech Meetup thought in designing the plan for their event happening this Monday, February 11th, at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn. Join this plugged-in group for high-tech demos, followed by a “State of the NYMusicTech Union”, with beer and BBQ sandwiches coinciding.

Admission is $7 in advance, $10 at the door — join the group.

Demos will be held by:

Creative Allies

Congregate! Connect! Fire up the ‘cue!


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