SonicScoop’s Top 10 Articles of 2021: Free Plugins, Analog Tape Machines, Scintillating Synths, Audio NFTs

Did 2021 just happen? Oh yes it did.

At SonicScoop, audio – especially sweet, sweet music – powered us through an unpredictable year. And judging from all the time you spent with us, raising your studio game was huge to you. You read and shared our articles, joined us for Read more...

New Software Review: Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 by Vienna Symphonic Library

As music creatives, we’re always looking for the best way to speed up our workflows so we can create without feeling limited by technological limitations.

Companies like Avid and Universal Audio have created products that allow the user to offload processing to external cards/hardware, and Vienna Ensemble Pro allows users Read more...

Is Quantity Better than Quality in Music Production? Producer Hyperbits on his Path to 50M+ Streams

Producer Hyperbits has a seemingly controversial take on the quality vs. quantity debate. But the more you think about it, the more his advice makes sense.

Hyperbits (aka Serik Slobodskoy), is a producer and artist who has had more than 50 million streams of his music, and now teaches others Read more...

Legendary Grunge Producer Jack Endino on Recording, Mixing, Mastering and “Setting Himself on Fire”

Jack Endino has worked with Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, L7, Mudhoney and so many of the biggest bands in the Seattle Grunge scene.

This week, he releases his latest solo album “Light Myself on Fire”. He talks to Justin Colletti about his approach to recording, mixing and mastering in detail. Read more...

Producer Pad: Vince Watson’s “Mothership” Lands in Amsterdam

Embark on the sweet spot that is Vince Watson’s studio – you’ll want to spend some time aboard.

Part synth heaven, part spacecraft, this prolific Amsterdam electronic artist’s pad is aptly named The Mothership. It’s the level-up audio home for Watson, a Scotland-born “producer’s producer” going strong for two-plus decades. Read more...

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