Mixing a Song with Nothing but Soundtoys (AMAZING Before and After)

In this episode of “Mixing a song with,” Matty Amendola of 825 Records offers a master class in mixing with saturation and creative processing, using nothing but Soundtoys plugins.

The before and after here is pretty incredible with some amazing creative flourishes and killer insights throughout check it out here… Read more...

Do I Need Multiple Masters for Streaming Services (or Vinyl?) [Article + Podcast]

Would you benefit from having alternate versions of your master for streaming services and other platforms? This is a question that comes in regularly from my mastering clients. In today’s podcast episode and article, I give you my take.

Want the short answer? OK, here goes: Nope! For the vast Read more...

Recording a Song w/ Louder Than Liftoff (Mic Pres & Colour Modules)

Producer/Multi-Instrumentalist Matty Amendola takes the Louder Than Liftoff Chroma Plus and Chroma 500s through their paces while recording and mixing a full song at 825 Records in Brooklyn, NY.

Matty demonstrates each unit’s features as well as an array of analog colour plugins they can host. With special guest processing Read more...

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