Advanced Compression Techniques: Parallel, Sidechain and Serial Compression [SSP038]

This week, I give an overview of 3 of the most useful advanced compression strategies, along with some details how to implement them on a variety of instruments.

From parallel compression for drums, bass and vocals, serial compression for instruments and buses, and sidechain compression for making space, these are Read more...

Breaking Through Music Production Plateaus, ft. Ian Temple of Soundfly [SSP037]

What holds you back in music, production or in mixing?

This week, I talked to Ian Temple of Soundfly about some of the most common hangups and stumbling blocks for musicians, producers and engineers—and how to surmount them.

I found this conversation to be fun and super useful. We go Read more...

Audio, Origins and More: Justin Colletti on the “Working Class Audio” Podcast

I just went on the Working Class Audio Podcast with Matt Boudreau and the conversation went to a lot of places that I didn’t expect.

Matt was really curious to hear my “origin” story, which is something I don’t generally share, largely because I don’t really like talking about myself Read more...

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