Photo Recap: Best New Studio Gear from NAMM 2018!

Once again, we braved the crowds for you at the annual convention of the “National Association of Music Merchants” to find all the latest and greatest in new pro audio gear.

This year’s NAMM was even larger than in the past, with most of the studio hardware and software filling out a newly-purposed “North Hall”—thereby separating it from all the noisy conventional musical instrument displays that can so often sound like the music store from hell.

This created a somewhat quieter and less hectic vibe on the pro audio side of the event, making critical listening a little bit easier (as far as trade shows go…) and bringing a bit of additional focus and organization to the convention.

Just as with the most recent AES convention, new gear announcements weren’t quite as prolific and prominent as they have been in certain years. But most booths had some kind of welcome upgrade on display—and many had expanded some of their most popular new lines in one way or another.

Read on below to see and hear about some of our top picks!

Outboard and Effects

Speakers and Headphones

Consoles and Interfaces


Photos by Justin Colletti, David Weiss and Jon Lurie.


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