Slate Debuts Raven MTi Touchscreen Console

Let’s get small(er)!

Slate got things started in touchscreen consoles with their flagship Raven MTX, which ranges from $15,999 to $17,499 in cost. The company has now made their touchscreen console tech more accessible with the Raven MTi – their newest touchscreen console offers a smaller 27” display that allows control over any parameter within a user’s DAW including many other user-customizable options.

Slate Media Technology will launch the Raven MTi exclusively at Guitar Center, GC Pro and Musician’s Friend. The touchscreen console is available for pre-order now at $2,499.00 MSRP.

The Raven MTi will ship with Mac OSX compatibility with PC support to be added in the near future with a simple software update. ProTools 10 and 11 is currently supported with all other major DAWs and video editors like Logic, Cubase/Nuendo, Ableton Live, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere available later this year.

Here are more touching details from Slate Media Technology and Guitar Center:

Slate Raven MTi

Guitar Center is proud to offer the Slate Media Technology RAVEN MTi Multi-Touch mixer/controller. You’ve never experienced anything like it, with its state-of-the-art touchscreen display featuring the RAVEN Mixer, and powerful control capabilities for all major DAWs.



I touch my shelf (EQ shelf, that is): Users will be on top of their DAWs in a new way with the MTi.

I touch my shelf (EQ shelf, that is): Users will be on top of their DAWs in a new way with the MTi.


The RAVEN MTi puts your DAW at your fingertips and allows your creativity to flow. The lightning-fast virtual control surface, running user-customizable RAVEN software, lets you follow your instincts with nothing in the way.

Other controllers and consoles are what they are-from the day you buy them, to the day you retire them. The Slate Media Technology RAVEN virtual control surface will always adapt and evolve to offer the quickest and most intuitive workflow in your studio. The RAVEN MTi removes all obstacles between you and your DAW.


Slate Media Technology built the RAVEN touch display from the ground up using new and cutting-edge touchscreen technologies. It’s more than just a 27″ touchscreen display—as if that weren’t enough. It’s sharp, bright, looks great at any angle, and is incredibly responsive. With its NanoGlide™ surface, the RAVEN is even smoother than your favorite tablet.

  • RAVEN’s NanoGlide™ surface provides previously unheard of resolution and smoothness to capture the finest, most subtle mix moves with total accuracy.
  • The RAVEN Toolbar, living at the bottom of the screen, gives you instant access to all the important functions of your DAW software.
  • Routing, bussing, soloing, automation, channel assignments, plug-in parameter editing, plus, of course, faders and panning-it’s all right there in the RAVEN Mixer, configured perfectly to your DAW.




The RAVEN makes your DAW a multitouch control surface, providing complete access to faders, pans, mutes, solos, sends, automation, and even plug-in inserts, all immediately at your fingertips. A customizable interface employing intuitive multi-touch gestures will have you moving effortlessly through your sessions.

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