Slate Digital Releases FG-Bomber – Impact Enhancer Plug-In

Slate Digital’s new plug-in promises to enhance depth, and impact of your sounds.


The FG-Bomber is an abstracted signal chain that includes analog-modeled compressors, filters, harmonic generators, saturators, and more.


A signal chain in a single plug-in!

A signal chain in a single plug-in!

Controls for the effect include:

  • Drive: controls the amount of signal sent to the effect processors. It is suggested that the drive parameter be adjusted so that the VU needle peaks at the little bomb icon. This setting will provide the most impact. By pushing it past the bomb icon, more depth and sustain can be had.
  • Intensity: this parameter blends the effected signal with the dry signal. Small amounts of intensity can create subtle impact, space, and depth. Large amounts of intensity can produce extremely punchy and fat sounding results.
  • Tone: selects one of the three preset effect styles: Present, Fat, or Tight.
  • Output: allows fine tuning of the output level


The FG-Bomber plug-in from Slate Digital is available for an intro price of $99 ($129 MSRP).



For more details, check out the FG-Bomber product page.

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