SoundToys Launches Free Plugin: Little MicroShift, Plus H3000 D/SE Contest

It’s like Xmas in March – SXSWXMas, that is.

The Little MicroShift is the Next Big Thing from SoundToys.

The Little MicroShift is the Next Big Thing from SoundToys.

While everyone’s in Austin, SoundToys has made their new Little MicroShift plugin available for free, for just a little while. Plus, they’ve launched a groovy contest to capture a classic piece of hardware.

The promotion ends on March 29th, so get a move on. See more glorious details below, straight from SoundToys:

Little MicroShift is three classic versions of the widening/spacial effect of micro pitch-shifting in one super easy to use plug-in , and it’s totally free (for a limited time).

Plus by sharing with your friends, you also get a chance to win a classic piece of gear that featured some of the early classic micro pitch-shifting sounds that inspired this plug-in: An original Eventide H3000 D/SE autographed by two of the original designers (that just so happen to work at SoundToys).

The top runners up will also get prizes like free SoundToys bundles, plug-ins, free upgrades to MicroShift, and cool SoundToys swag.

Visit this page at SoundToys to pick up Little MicroShift, and enter the contest.


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