Posts Tagged ‘Audio Units’

Cinematique Instruments Releases Cement, Geiger Counter Virtual Instruments

Better Music Distribution has announced a new partnership with Cinematique Instruments, an experienced sampling developer based in Germany. The first fruits of the new partnership is the availability of two intriguing virtual instruments, Cement ($26.95 ) and Geiger Counter ($22.95) via Better Music Distribution.

Both are available for purchase here.

XILS Lab Releases PolyKB II Vintage Polyphonic Virtual Synthesizer

Virtual synthesis developer XILS LAB announced that it has launched PolyKB mk II, the recreation of a rare and powerful polyphonic synthesizer released in the 80’s. According to XILS LAB, PolyKB II captures the sound and spirit of the RSF PolyKobol Analog synthesizer including its continuous morphing oscillator, which can Read more...
