Posts Tagged ‘Bob Ludwig’

Remapping Mastering: What the Masterdisk Relocation Means to Music Production

In approximately 4,000,000,000 years, the Milky Way galaxy we call home will collide with the Andromeda galaxy. No one will be injured in this slow-motion crash, but the interaction of all the spiral arms will fling every visible star hither and yon, transforming our night sky forever.

Too impatient to

Bidding Farewell to Howie Weinberg, Masterdisk Promotes Matt Agoglia to Senior Mastering Engineer

This just in from Masterdisk in Midtown Manhattan: Owner and mastering engineer Scott Hull announced that Howie Weinberg has left his longtime post at the studio to head out West and set up shop in Los Angeles.

In his place, Scott has promoted engineer Matt Agoglia to the position of Read more...
