Posts Tagged ‘compressor plug-ins’

SoundToys Announces Soundtoys 5 – All 12 PlugIns Together As One Effects Rack

Since their start, CEO and lead designer, Ken Bogdanowicz, has envisioned SoundToys plugins to be able to sculpt audio together as a single unit. The release of SoundToys 5 realizes this plan with all 12 SoundToys plug-ins in a single effects rack.


Features of the new platform include:


Universal Audio Announces AMS RMX16 Reverb and Softube Summit Audio TLA-100A Plugins for UAD Platform and Apollo Interfaces

Exclusively available for the UAD platform and Apollo interfaces, Universal Audio has released a reverb plugin two years in the making. The AMS RMX16 plugin is modeled after the actual RMX16 hardware device – also the world’s first full-bandwidth digital reverberator from the 1980s. Mark Crabtree, the designer of the Read more...

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