Posts Tagged ‘outboard gear’

TransAudio Group To Distribute Bettermaker’s Analog EQ’s With Plug-In Remote Control

Bettermaker is behind a few of the most unique analog equalizers that have been produced in our modern age — starting now, US distributor TransAudio Group can get Bettermaker’s latest and bestest into your hands.

Their flagship model, EQ232P, has two completely analog signal paths who’s parameters can be controlled, Read more...

Harrison Consoles Introduces 832c Filter Unit — 8 Channels of High/Low Pass from 32c Console

Just hearing the name “Harrison Consoles” introduces thoughts of rock and roll, moonwalking, and buttery warm analog gear dancing in the subconscious. The signature sound of Harrison Consoles are heard everywhere.

Now the company brings their sound to the masses in a more accessible form with the Harrison 832c Filter Read more...

Manley Labs Debuts The Core Reference Channel Strip

From creators of ultra high quality analog outboard gear produced straight out of Southern California, Manley Labs presents to us the CORE analog channel strip. The core purpose of CORE is to provide great sounding tracks without being too complicated as some analog outboard gear can be.

Targeted toward location-based

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