Posts Tagged ‘recording vocals’

Recording Studio Sweet Spot: Crosby Collective Studios — SoHo, Manhattan

SOHO, MANHATTAN: If it’s possible to be an under-the-radar street in New York City, the downtown string of blocks known as Crosby somehow accomplishes it. Tucked in between the famed buzz of Broadway and the stylish miles of Lafayette, Crosby’s cobblestones somehow escape notice by the masses.

Hiding right out

Brad Roberts of Crash Test Dummies: Music, Mantras, Recording & Rituals

FLATIRON DISTRICT, MANHATTAN: If you’ve lived in New York City long enough, hopefully you’ve experienced this distinctive pleasure: walking around a blind corner only to encounter the face of a long-lost friend. At these moments, the massive metropolis magically shrinks down to a small town.

If that early acquaintance just

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