Posts Tagged ‘revenue’

Share the Spoils or Pay Up Front? When and Why to Cut Collaborators In on the Backend of a Song

Imagine this scene:  You’ve laid down an incredible piano part, a great vocal, and a passable drum groove. You’re thinking this song would be much better with a real drummer on it, and you know just the person. You call them up, send them the track, and they love it. Read more...

Event Alert: NoteWorking Meetup with HFA & MailChimp on Tuesday, 4/19

The NoteWorking Meetup will hold their April event on Tuesday, 2/19, 7:00 PM, at The Tank in Times Square.

NoteWorking host Corey H. Maass oversees this vital monthly meetup, which promises to offer solid networking and educational opportunities.

April’s featured speakers will be:

— Rachel Scarpati from The Harry Fox
