Posts Tagged ‘Saturn’

New Gear Alert: iZotope’s Tonal Balance Control 2, Saturn 2 by FabFilter, Eventide’s Rotary Mod & More

iZotope releases Tonal Balance Control 2.

Tonal Balance Control 2 allows you to finalize and fine-tune masters by using target curves for different genres. It can also be used in mix sessions to adjust gain and EQ for Nectar, Neutron, and other compatible iZotope plugins.

Clearly view the tonal

FabFilter Releases Saturn Distortion and Saturation Plugin

FabFilter is an Amsterdam-based plugin company that is world renowned for their popular Pro-series plugins including compression and EQ. Their latest endeavor is the Saturn plugin which implements an experimental multi-band distortion feature to get a wide variety of distortion and saturation effects from standard tube to the unexpected.

