Posts Tagged ‘SonicScoop’

Don’t Be an Audio Dork. Be a Mix Ninja Instead. (Mixer Brain Review with Jeff Ellis)

Grammy-winning mixer and producer Jeff Ellis knows how to slice through the nonsense and focus on what’s really important in mixing.

His new course, Mixer Brain, is about making a meaningful impact on the mix by approaching the craft less like a labcoat-wearing technician and more like a true Read more...

Big Announcement

I have a big announcement for you this week!

Up until now, all my courses were download only. But as of this week, we now have an On-Demand Streaming option for ALL courses.

For the first time, you can even get them with a monthly installment option, where you Read more...

Flat Headphones don’t exist, and never will [The Harman Curve, Exposed]

You’ll never find a pair of “flat” headphones.

…And you’ll never successfully “flatten” the frequency response of your headphones.

Here’s a dirty little secret: Headphone EQ correction isn’t even designed to make your headphones “flatter”.

So what does that mean for practical purpises? Can EQ help improve your headphones? Or Read more...

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