Posts Tagged ‘SonicScoop’

Review: Recording a Song w/ Cranborne Audio (500ADAT Rack & Camden 500 Mic Pres)

Producer/Multi-Instrumentalist Matty Amendola takes the  Cranborne 500ADAT rack and Camden 500 mic pres through their paces while recording a full song at 825 Records in Brooklyn, NY.

Matty demonstrates the versatility of these award winning mic pres as well as their use as color boxes in this new SonicScoop series, Read more...

Using EQ to Perfect Your Room and Speakers (w/ Martins Popelis of Sonarworks)

Room and speaker correction have come a long way. Once hit-or-miss options employed almost exclusively by larger studios, effective EQ treatment options are now accessible to even the most humble of home studios.

The most successful of these new solutions is easily Sonarworks, which has become a nearly ubiquitous fixture Read more...

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