Posts Tagged ‘SoundToys PhaseMistress’

10+ of the Best Modulation Plugins For Adding Movement to Your Mixes

Michael Hahn rounds up 14 of the best modulation plugins for adding movement to your mix this week on LANDR’s blog.

He outlines the main types of modulation—tremolo, ring mod, chorus, phaser, and flanger—and explains how the effects “modulate an aspect of the signal with an LFO” or low-frequency oscillator. Read more...

SoundToys Announces Soundtoys 5 – All 12 PlugIns Together As One Effects Rack

Since their start, CEO and lead designer, Ken Bogdanowicz, has envisioned SoundToys plugins to be able to sculpt audio together as a single unit. The release of SoundToys 5 realizes this plan with all 12 SoundToys plug-ins in a single effects rack.


Features of the new platform include:

