The Artists Forum Holding Int’l Music Competition – Win Mentoring Sessions, Software, Support
The Artists Forum (AF), a NY State non-profit multi-arts service organization, has launched its first annual International Music Competition.

The Artists Forum International Music Competition is open to emerging and established artists worldwide.
Open to emerging and established artists worldwide, the competition offers a chance to have your work critiqued by industry professionals and, of course, to win prizes and opportunities.
This songwriting competition is being run through Sonicbids and carries a $15 entry fee. Go to the Sonicbids Page for more information and to submit!
Song submissions will be judged on elements of melody, composition, creativity, originality, performance, adherence to the theme, production, and lyrics (when applicable). Jurors will include A&R Director at Shapiro Bernstein Eric Beall, songwriter/producer/multi-instrumentalist Harold Stephan (Habitat Music, Big Mike, Amelia’s Dream), songwriter/musician Andy Marvel (Jessica Simpson, Celine Dion) and producer/DJ/composer Alex Moulton (Expansion Team, Expansion Team Records).
The first prize winner will receive: a one-to-one mentoring session / portfolio review with Moulton, Propellerhead Record/Reason Duo, Logic 8, Noisy Planet Premium Artist Service Package, One year Sonicbids Supersonic Membership and one-year membership, profile and feature on The Artist Forum website. At least 7 other winners (2nd place, 3rd place, etc.) will be selected as well.
This contest has a theme — artists are challenged to show interpretations for the word “captivate.” For more information, please visit the contest page on Sonicbids!
Deadline for submissions is October 15, 2010, so get crackin!
And for more information on The Artists Forum, visit Follow them at
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