u-he Releases Uhbik-D Tape Echo Delay Rack Extension

u-he, the face behind the popular Diva and Zebra mega-synths have provided the world a new toy – Uhbik-D. This new Rack Extension fx utility for Reason is extremely versatile with tons of extras.

Stay warm this holiday season with ‘Warm Echoes’ from Uhbik-D.

Download Uhbik-D from the Propellerhead now for a special introductory price of $19 until January 2, 2013 ($39 MSRP). Read on for a more in depth look from u-he:

“This is our tape-echo style delay effect with 5 ‘tape heads’, LFO or flutter modulation, low/high cut filters, soft-clipping, per-tap feedback, volume and pan.

You can do delays that keep in sync even though taps are ‘grooved’. You can use the Haas effect to virtually pan delay taps even though they’re equally loud on both sides. You can do loads of spiffy delay tricks with a simple interface.

Uhbik-D is a multi-tap delay resembling a classic tape echo unit, with multiple record and playback heads. The delay time is a function of tape speed: the slower the tape, the longer the delay. Like classic echo units, Uhbik-D also feature a regeneration control (feedback) – how much of the output is mixed back into the input.

Real tape echo has several technical imperfections and limitations. Magnetic tape already has a limited frequency and dynamic range, tape wears out over time, transport mechanisms become erratic. But what were previously considered serious drawbacks in need of improvement, such irregularities (coloration, flutter) have become quite popular in this age of digital perfection!”

Click here for even more specs!


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