March 2010 archive

Winger On Using Propellerhead Record + ReWire to Pro Tools

Propellerhead, the Swedish software manufacturer, has released the first in a series of video tutorials on the coupling of their Reason and Record software with various DAWs using ReWire.

For the first tutorial, producer/engineer Michael Winger (Alanis Morissette, Regina Spektor, The Von Bondies) shows how/why he uses ReWire to link Read more...

Sergio George and Dan Manjovi at Kaleidoscope Sound Studios (NJ)

Grammy-winning Latin producer/pianist Sergio George teamed up recently with engineer Juan Mario Aracil to record tracks for artist India.

George traveled from Miami to Kaleidoscope Sound Studios in Union City, NJ, working with NYC-based musicians Ruben Rodriguez (bass), Marc Quinones (percussion) , and Diego Gale (percussion) for India’s upcoming album Read more...

Vocal Yokels: Mr. Fantastic On Seducing Charice, California Connecting

MIDWOOD, BROOKLYN: How do you resist a music powerhouse with the effervescent name of Mr. Fantastic? You don’t. Peter Habib and Adam Nierow prove that personality, persistence and pop vocal prowess pay off (say THAT five times fast), representing with infectious energy from the word “Go”.

Formed in 2006, this

20dot20 Mixer Rescheduled for Tuesday, 3/2, at Gibson Showroom

Originally slated for Thursday, Feb. 25th, 20dot20 has been rescheduled for Tuesday, 3/2:

SonicScoop always recommends the 20dot20 mixer. Aimed at advertising, music, media and tech pros, this month’s event returns to the Gibson/Baldwin Entertainment Relations Showroom (in the former Hit Factory).

Heavy snow felled the original date for the

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