Audio, Origins and More: Justin Colletti on the “Working Class Audio” Podcast

I just went on the Working Class Audio Podcast with Matt Boudreau and the conversation went to a lot of places that I didn’t expect.

Matt was really curious to hear my “origin” story, which is something I don’t generally share, largely because I don’t really like talking about myself at length—especially not in public. But he pushed for it and you got it!

Matt was also really keen to hear me go into detail on a pretty funny story about that one time I ended up spending a night in jail for riding my bike on a sidewalk, for all of about 15 feet, on a totally empty street. It’s probably about the wimpiest way you could ever find yourself in jail, but it made for an oddly fun, memorable and informative experience. (Not that’ I’d recommend it to anyone!)

If you want a really condensed version of where I came from and how I got into audio, filled with some good takeaways for business and career development, it’s a pretty good talk and a fun listen I think. If you stick around to the end, there’s an exclusive limited time discount code to my courses if you’ve been meaning to try one.




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