Searching for "kallie marie"

Boss NS-1X Noise Suppressor Pedal Review: Taking On Studio Static

How does the Boss NS-1X Noise Suppressor Pedal perform in the recording studio, away from the stage and rehearsal space? Let’s find out. 

Boss recently released the NS-1X Noise Suppressor pedal, which promises a “next generation noise suppressor and gate, and other electronic instruments.” The new pedal uses “intelligent” Boss Read more...


Lunacy Audio’s CUBE Review: A New Shape of Vector Synthesis

In this Lunacy Audio CUBE review, Kallie Marie explores this virtual instrument with a 3D sample-morphing engine. What are the creative possibilities of vector synthesis?

At first glance you may not guess what’s inside this CUBE; Lunacy Audio have made a 3D Sample Morphing Engine.  It’s a visual instrument that Read more...


Orchestral Tools Review: Expansive Options with Ark Ø and Drones

Two new sound collections provide composers and music producers with deep sonic possibilities, in this Orchestral Tools review.

Orchestral Tools have found a powerful way to add even more evocative elements to music and sound production with their recent collections, Metropolis Ark Ø and Drones.

Metropolis Ark Ø is the


Soyuz 1973 Review: FET Large Diaphragm Condenser Microphone in the Studio

In this Soyuz 1973 Review, SonicScoop’s Kallie Marie puts Soyuz’ under-$1000 FET large diaphragm condenser (LDC) microphone to the test.

Soyuz recently released classy matte black and silver versions of their take on a transformerless FET microphone, the 1973.  I decided to take the matte black 1973 for a spin, Read more...


“Women in Music Production”: Navigating Complex Career Paths

Audio engineering is a unique field. It melds art, science, technology, creativity, and personal satisfaction to form a distinct mix.

Setting your sights on an audio career means the opportunity for unmatched highs, but also harrowing lows. Depending on your background, you may enter the arena with advantages – or Read more...


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